In July 2019, Philip Riquier, Jarrad Haynes, Scott Fleming and I established Capital Prudential. Our vision was to establish high return, diversified and de-risked property backed funds in which we, our families and friends could invest.
From the humble beginnings of a $2.8m two dwelling development completed in Adelaide in December, 2020, Capital Prudential has experienced stellar growth during our first four years in operation. We now have almost $500 million in completed, in-progress and pipeline developments.
While some firms operate with the mantra of growth at all costs, our philosophy has not changed from the first house we developed to the major industrial, commercial and residential properties we develop today. Regardless of the development, it must pass our rigorous de-risking process before entering our fund.
Growth has provided some further benefits in providing stable, de-risked returns for our investors. From an initial focus on the South Australian market, we are now diversified across Australia and have staff based in Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane. Furthermore, our spread of developments spans boutique residential, midscale specialty commercial including childcare, healthcare and fast food to larger industrial projects.
With new development proposals being presented to us weekly for review, we anticipate sustained growth in the coming years. This will be further supported by new retail and wholesale funds to be launched over the next 12 months.
I would like to thank all the investors who have been part of our journey to date and we welcome new wholesale investors to contact us if you would like to benefit from high, fixed income returns via Secured Income Notes in the Capital Prudential Diversified Development Fund.
Currently, we are offering a special interest rate of 10%^ for 18 months (interest paid quarterly) to support several new developments, including Grovedale, Victoria detailed later in this update.
To apply, please contact us on 1800 966 021 or email: investment@capitalprudential.com.au.
Sam Moore
Managing Director
M: 0400 285 405

A friendly reminder to register, if you haven’t already, for the Capital Prudential 4th Birthday Celebration.
Date: Thursday, 27 July 2023
Time: 4:30pm – 7:00pm
Venue: The Gallery Room, National Wine Centre, Corner of Hackney Rd & Botanic Rd, SA 5000
Parking: Available off Hackney Road and on Plane Tree Drive
RSVP: Friday, 21 July 2023
Drinks and nibbles provided. Partners welcome.
Jack Bennett
– Acquisition & Development Manager (WA)
Jack is an experienced property professional with a strong track record in property development and project leasing. His expertise extends across international markets and he recently delivered successful outcomes in one of Australia’s largest shopping centre redevelopments.

Term: 18 months
Interest rate: 10% p.a.^ paid quarterly
Following the 18-month term, capital is returned, or investors may elect to rollover into another Secured Income Note.
This special offer will remain open at the discretion of the Manager. Our standard Secured Income Note offer will of course remain open (see our website for more details).
To apply, please contact us on 1800 966 021 or email: investment@capitalprudential.com.au.
This offer is open to Wholesale Clients as defined by the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Capital Prudential reserves the right to close the offer prior to the end of July 2023.
DISCLAIMER: The Secured Income Notes detailed in this update are issued by Capital Prudential Diversified Development Fund Pty Ltd (ACN636 283 219) (CPDDF) as trustee of the Capital Prudential Diversified Development Fund (the Fund). CPDDF is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Capital Prudential Funds Management Pty Ltd (ACN 636 279 082, AFSL 524725) (CPFM). Capital Prudential Pty Ltd (ACN 634 875 273) (Capital Prudential) is the unitholder and Trust Manager of the Fund and is a Corporate Authorised Representative of CPFM. Capital Prudential is authorised by CPFM to provide advisory and dealing services in connection with the Fund to wholesale clients only.
The information has been only prepared for wholesale clients pursuant to section 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) to provide general information only and Capital Prudential did not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person when preparing this information. It is not intended to take the place of professional advice and you should, before acting on this information, consider the appropriateness of this information having regard to your personal objectives, financial situation or needs.
Neither Capital Prudential, CPDDF or CPFM or any of their related parties, their employees or directors, provide any warranty of accuracy, completeness or reliability in relation to such information contained within this update or accept any liability to any person who relies on it. Neither Capital Prudential, CPDDF or CPFM guarantees repayment of capital or any particular rate of return from the investment. All opinions and estimates included in this update constitute judgements of Capital Prudential as at the date of the update and are subject to change without notice. Economic and outlook forecasts are not guaranteed to occur and past performance should not be taken as an indicator of future performance.
This update contains an incomplete description of features of the Fund and Secured Income Notes and should be considered in conjunction with the Information Memorandum and other transaction documents (which are available upon request). Investment in the Secured Income Notes is subject to risks including delays in repayment and loss of income and capital invested and is suitable only for potential investors who do not require liquidity for their investments.
^ The interest rate offered to you at this time may differ from other interest rates offered from time to time. For example, it may differ from the interest rate for any Secured Income Notes previously or subsequently offered and issued. The interest rate for each Secured Income Note will be the rate notified in writing when offered to you as an investor prior to your investment.